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Guangdong Esquel Textiles Company Limited
Nhà sản xuất tùy chỉnh
Sản Phẩm chính: Bông Dệt Vải, Pha Trộn Dệt Vải, Đặc Biệt Sợi, Đan Vương Giả Vải, May Mặc Trims
Thứ tự xếp hạng4 giao hàng đúng hạn trong Vải lụa/cottonDesign-based customizationTesting instruments (9)Total floorspace (247,574㎡)Years in industry(34)


Esquel Group is committed to Making a Difference through two ambitious goals:

1. Tackling climate change through better management of resources.

2. Narrowing the wealth gap through improving our living standard and enhancing our capability.


We believe that every employee has the potential to be an agent of positive change. Our eCulture is the set of values that forms the foundation of our approach and informs how we make decisions. It refers to ...





